01 December 2007

one more gone...

The picture alone would be enough for you to know what's recently occurred. But for the sake of those who can't figure it out, I'll be blunt. Scoochy lost one of her two front teeth! She's pretty excited. All except that the tooth fairy hasn't visited in four days! At first I told her it was because it is very cold outside and the tooth fairy has very delicate wings. The next night she didn't come by either. I thought maybe as she flew by she didn't recognize the paper towel as anything but garbage. So Scoochy wrote a note explaining that her tooth was inside. Now the next two nights we don't really have an explanation. Maybe since Mommy and Daddy are up so late, the tooth fairy is too scared to come in. I'm pretty sure that tonight's the night though. I have it on good authority that no matter what, that fairy will be here. I even set an alarm so I could go and make sure that all was well and ready for her to come. She better, because I don't think I could handle one more morning of Scoochy's disappointment.

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