15 December 2007

Scoochy's Cookies (say that three times fast)

In the grand cookie experiment, Scoochy chose Molasses Sugar Cookies. The only real difference between these and gingersnaps is intensity. These are a little milder. Mild in spicy-ness, big in flavor.

Her choice was one of the most understated, but might be one of my favorites. Tank's peanut butter cup cookies were delicious but you needed milk, as in it was almost sweet torture to have nothing to wash down the richness. These you can walk by and pop one in your mouth and just enjoy. Milk is good with them, but not necessary.

Scoochy always surprises me by her mature taste. For her birthday last year she wanted "Almond Cake," which was more of an almond shortbread. Delicious, but not what you consider kid's birthday material. Molasses Sugar Cookies are an understated cookie with a spicy flavor that finds it home during Christmas. Of course, Scoochy would want it. What says Christmas more than nutmeg and cinnamon?


mostly ugly said...

scoochies cookies, scoochies cookies, scoochies cookies. not hard :) whhaaahaaaahaaaa

Anonymous said...

Ciara I am going to have to try your recipe, they look scrumptious; come to see me and we will make them together....