05 December 2010

She's got it all figured out.

Princess Cutie Pops' birthday is Christmas Eve. We asked her what she wanted for her birthday. She answered, "A horse. And I want a horse for Christmas, too."

Daddy shook his head, "Sweetie, that's a waste. You can only ride one at a time. Why get two?"

Confidently she replied, "Because next year I'm asking for a chariot!"

Who says kids never plan for the future?

23 August 2010

san antonio zoo time


The emp and Chewy (short for Chewbacca) have become fast friends. I don't know any other dog who would put up with that little girl's mauling of her. The emp is completely fearless and Chewy is completely docile. What a pair.

08 July 2010

a pocket full of rye and then some

We have a gigantic map on our dining room wall. It is the topic of many dinner conversations, tonight included. After answering many "Is this a country or a state?" questions, the kids noticed that Russia was rather large. This got us discussing how a country's size doesn't always match how powerful and rich it is.

"Mom, does the United States of America have a lot of money?"

"Yes, we're considered a rich country and that's one of the main reasons we're so powerful."

"Is England rich?"

"Yes, England is considered one of the rich countries."

"...and portable!"

"What? Portable?"

"Yeah, it is so small you could just drop it in your pocket."

Kids...Where do they come up with this stuff?

07 July 2010

God, Himself, would want some

Biscuits and gravy is my most favoritest breakfast on the planet. With that as a base, you can take it for granted that we love biscuits and gravy in this house. LOVE it. I make it about once or twice a month for specials. (kids term) Today was one of those days. We had gone to the pool at 8am (no need for sunblock, the pool water hasn't heated up to a simmer yet, and the only other soul we see there is Mr. Bill  from Long Island on occasion). Soooo, we were there and my oldest jumps in and almost immediately jumps back out again. It was along the lines of watching a jump in rewind it was so impressive.

Apparently a snake of unknown venom-capacity had decided that he loved the pool in the morning as well. After chasing him around with the long hook thing that you use to pull drowned people to safety, I finally managed to flip him out and crush his head with the handle. I'm usually not one to kill snakes, especially when I'm not sure they're poisonous. They are highly beneficial animals, buuuuuut I couldn't run the risk of him finding his way to my little one year-old's chubby little foot. Not when we've got water moccasins, diamond backs and coral snakes to deal with here. Sorry snake. All of this to say that our normally fun time was a bit overshadowed with tension. Every shadow now had to be investigated and "ok'd" by mom.

On our walk back we talked about what to have for breakfast and we all agreed on biscuits and gravy. It was just that kind of day. My oldest took his first bite and after the unavoidable "Mmmmmmm!" he said, "Mom, this is Heaven's Breakfast."

I couldn't agree more.

01 July 2010

oh, the possibilities...

My kids are in the back of the Sienna one-upping each other on "What God could do if He wanted to."

"You could grow to be as tall as a tree if God wanted you to."

"You could shoot fireballs out your hands if God wanted you to."

My youngest son, Tank, not to be outdone, pipes in, "You could live to be a million but still be a baby and learn to say "hello" if God wanted you to, and grow a beard."

Then eruptions of laughter.
Hmmmm, methinks we've got a winner.

09 June 2010

Jokers Wild.

PCPops: Mommy, everyone wants the Joker in Go Fish.
Me: Why?
PCPops: Because we love little men riding bicycles.

Of course. Why would a kid love a card for anything other than aesthetic reasons? Wait a minute, do you even use Jokers in Go Fish?