16 May 2011

betrayal of the worst kind...

The time: Easter Eve
The place: Nana's and Poppa's in San Antonio

Nana was making deviled eggs for our Easter feast the next day while a certain boy named Tank wandered in...

"Nana?" the small boy inquired.

Nana, while intent on filling the little egg boats just right, always had time for her beloved grandchildren, "Yes, Tank?"

"Are you making Devil's Eggs for us?"

With a smile, "Yes, honey. I am."

Tank's eyes widened with anticipation. "For dinner tonight?"

Nana turned to her littlest grandson, "No, they're for Easter tomorrow."

The jubilant face turned dark and his eyes narrowed, "TRICKERY!" In one movement he turned on his heel and ran up the stairs to sit with Poppa, the non-betrayer.

Nana and a quietly observing Mommy, watched him leave, turned to each other and laughing, repeated, "Trickery?"

Who even taught him that word?