14 December 2007

Tank's Christmas Cookies

In a fit of insanity I let each of my four babes pick a Christmas Cookie recipe to bake. I've never been a big cookie maker in general, less so during Christmas time, but for some reason I had the urge this year. Yesterday we made Tank's choice: Peanut Butter Cup Cookies. Oh my goodness. If you like peanut butter cups, you'll love this one. Take a peanut butter cookie baked in a mini-muffin tin and squoosh a peanut butter cup in it immediately upon taking it out of the oven. Wait a few minutes for the cookie to firm up and the peanut butter cup to melt into a puddle of chocolatey-peanut buttery goo. Play a game in which you try to eat just one. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Wow! They really look good, makes me homesick for my little Tank.

Tricia said...

he misses you too.