10 March 2011

another wave begins.

The house was quiet. Too quiet. But we didn't notice. We just kept doing what we were doing. No one had the slightest idea what was transpiring in the pantry.

I knew I needed to start making dinner. I walked into the kitchen and I heard glass tapping on glass. At first I was confused. What was that? Suddenly it dawned on me. The quiet. The lack of a visual on the littlest member of our family. I turned to the noise and when I saw the spice jars lined up in a row on the ground, I knew there was mischief afoot. It was the emp! You have to be impressed though. She actually got the step stool and dragged it in. Otherwise she couldn't have reached the spice jars. I guess I am always reminding them to "find a solution." And she did. Boy, did she.

No one has told her. No one has said a word so it must be genetics. There's no other explanation. But if anyone doubted if Princess Cutie Pops and The emp were sisters, this exact incident would be a strong argument for their shared genes. The following pictures are Exhibit A, B and C against our little emp. When you are finished, jump over here for the evidence of PCPops mischievousness. Focus especially on the fifth picture over there. PCPops has a knack for destruction, but we thought the toddler-type of havoc was behind us. Oh, no. No sirree. The emp has taken up the torch. God help us.

The first glimpse of The emp's handiwork.
We caught her just in time. She almost had the foil off of that soymilk. Most of the mess above is sesame seeds.
Cumin seeds, mustard seeds and other spices that were dumped out.
After her stern talking to. Poor little thing. (Although I wasn't thinking Poor little thing at the time.)
In all she wasted about $5 dollars worth of spices. Luckily I buy them in the bulk section or at the Asian market otherwise she would have done about $20 of damage. Oh, kids. Ya gotta love 'em.


Genny said...

The link to PCPops mischievousness didn't work, but I remember you coming out of the house saying I had to come see something...and there she was in the middle of a corn starch covered kitchen. :)

Tricia said...

link fixed. :-)