12 March 2011

they are smarter than we give them credit for.

Apparently The emp has been paying attention. Her older brother Tank's job is to fold washcloths and put them away. He was still working on his schoolwork when The emp, who was playing with Daddy, saw the pile. She immediately began folding them. She was having a little bit of trouble so Daddy showed her how to do one properly and that was it. No more instruction necessary. She folded the entire stack and carefully piled them. Then she proceeded to walk into the kitchen and put them away, without prompting! It never ceases to amaze me when they reveal how they understand and are capable of so much more than we thought.

She knows exactly where she's going.

I told her, "I'm gonna take your picture." This is the tail end of her telling me, "No."

This is actually the towel cupboard. She saw that she made a mistake, closed the door and opened the correct one. I'm still shocked.

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